templates/group-companies/famostar.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}Famostar{% endblock %}
  3. {% block stylesheets %}
  4.     {{ parent() }}
  5.     {{ encore_entry_link_tags('group-companies') }}
  6. {% endblock %}
  7. {% block body %}
  8.     <div class="group-company-top-banner position-relative w-100" id="famostar-top-banner">
  9.         <div class="bg-white-90 inner-circle position-absolute start-50 translate-middle">
  10.             <img class="position-absolute start-50 top-50 translate-middle wider-gc-logo" src="{{ asset('build/images/group-logos/famostar-colour.svg') }}" alt="Famostar BV" title="Famostar BV">
  11.         </div>
  12.         <img class="bottom-0 d-xl-block d-none position-absolute start-0 w-100" id="white-curves" src="{{ asset('build/images/white-curves.svg') }}" alt="white curves">
  13.         <a href="#company-info" rel="nofollow"><img src="{{ asset('build/images/yellow-down-arrow.svg') }}" alt="Yellow arrow" class="bottom-0 position-absolute start-50 translate-middle yellow-down-arrow z-index-1"></a>
  14.     </div>
  15.     <div class="bg-white container-fluid d-flex flex-column-reverse flex-xl-row py-5 py-xl-7" id="company-info">
  16.         <div class="col-1"></div>
  17.         <div class="col-xl-3 col-12 px-sm-5 px-xl-0">
  18.             <ul class="list-unstyled pb-xl-5 pt-xl-0 py-5">
  19.                 <li>
  20.                     <h3 class="mid-green">Information</h3>
  21.                 </li>
  22.                 <li class="align-items-center d-flex my-1 flex-nowrap">
  23.                     <img class="d-inline gc-info-icons me-2" src="{{ asset('build/images/group-companies/location.svg') }}" alt="Location Pin">
  24.                     <p class="d-inline dark-green fs-5 mb-0 ms-1 text-nowrap">Velp, Netherlands</p>
  25.                 </li>
  26.                 <li class="my-1">
  27.                     <img class="d-inline gc-info-icons me-2" src="{{ asset('build/images/group-companies/web-icon.svg') }}" alt="Website Icon"><a href="https://famostar.nl/" class="d-inline dark-green fs-5 hover-yellow ms-1 text-decoration-none" rel="noopener">www.famostar.nl</a>
  28.                 </li>
  29.             </ul>
  30.             <h4 class="mid-green text-start">Market Sectors</h4>
  31.             <ul class="dark-green list-unstyled pb-5 text-start">
  32.                 <li class="my-1">
  33.                     <img class="d-inline gc-market-icons me-2" src="{{ asset('build/images/group-companies/commercial-icon.svg') }}" alt="Commercial icon">
  34.                     <p class="d-inline fs-5">Commercial</p></li>
  35.                 <li class="my-1">
  36.                     <img class="d-inline gc-market-icons me-2" src="{{ asset('build/images/group-companies/industrial-icon.svg') }}" alt="Industrial icon">
  37.                     <p class="d-inline fs-5">Industrial</p></li>
  38.                 <li class="my-1">
  39.                     <img class="d-inline gc-market-icons me-2" src="{{ asset('build/images/group-companies/education-icon.svg') }}" alt="Education icon">
  40.                     <p class="d-inline fs-5">Education</p></li>
  41.                 <li class="my-1">
  42.                     <img class="d-inline gc-market-icons me-2" src="{{ asset('build/images/group-companies/retail-icon.svg') }}" alt="Retail icon">
  43.                     <p class="d-inline fs-5">Retail & Hospitality</p></li>
  44.             </ul>
  45.             <h4 class="mid-green text-start">Key Products</h4>
  46.             <ul class="dark-green ps-4 text-start">
  47.                 <li>
  48.                     <p class="fs-5">Emergency exit signage</p>
  49.                 </li>
  50.                 <li>
  51.                     <p class="fs-5">Emergency lighting systems</p>
  52.                 </li>
  53.             </ul>
  54.         </div>
  55.         <div class="col-1 d-xl-none"></div>
  56.         <div class="col-xl-6 col-12 mid-green ms-xl-3 px-sm-5 px-xl-0">
  57.             <p class="fs-5">Based in Velp, the Netherlands, Famostar specialises in the development, manufacture and supply of emergency lighting products. Revenue is derived from the Netherlands, where it is considered one of the foremost brands in the market.</p>
  58.             <p class="fs-5">Famostar was originally established in 1947, with each product being designed and manufactured at its own production facility. Famostar has a reputation for designing and manufacturing reliable luminaires offering solutions for sectors including commercial, industrial, education and retail applications.</p>
  59.             <p class="fs-5">Emergency lighting knowledge and expertise is key to the success of the business. Famostar offers both the correct technical solution and unique proposals to complement the needs of the customer. It also provides a learning experience at its factory to ensure the successful application of products to comply with the latest legislation.</p>
  60.         </div>
  61.         <div class="col-xl-1"></div>
  62.     </div>
  63. {% endblock %}